Share the Joy

If you enjoy our show, please tell your friends about it so others can hopefully come enjoy as well. We spend money and devote ridiculous amounts of time to putting our Christmas light display together because we love Christmas and want to share it with as many people as possible. Help us do that by spreading the word!

If you want to show your appreciation further, consider making a donation to a cause we care about. Below is a list of charities in the Denver area and beyond that we trust and believe in.

Broomfield Fish (local)

Broomfield Fish serves people right here in the Broomfield area. They host a food pantry, offer transportation assistance, and provide many other services for those that need a hand.

Open Door Ministries (regional)

Open Door serves the homeless and low-income populations in Denver through providing “practical help and hope” and by moving “people toward self-sufficiency by helping change the circumstances and life patterns that have held them captive to poverty and addictions.”

Heifer International (global)

Heifer International works around the globe to help impoverished people gain self-sufficiency. Though they have numerous programs towards this end, our favorite is the animal donation program where families are given a goat, flock of chicks, water buffalo, or whatever else makes sense in their part of the world. From this animal, they can get milk, eggs, and even offspring. What makes it really cool is that recipients take the first offspring and give it to another family, hopefully causing a snowball effect for an entire community.